
Welcome to Skillet Blogging

So I've given in to joining the blogverse. I plan to blog on teaching, Korea, atheism, science, politics, sports and dogs, perhaps with a theme on each day. I hope to update every day, or every other day.

As for who I am, well, I'm about four months out of college at the University of North Carolina and am employed in Jeonju, South Korea as an ESL teacher to kids from 5 to 16 and adults. I'm a hockey player with past experience in soccer, baseball and team handball and am currently in search of an adult beginner taekwondo class.

I consider Newland, NC and Atlanta, GA to be my hometowns but have also called Scottsboro, AL; Nashville, TN; Charlotte, NC; Durham, NC; Chapel Hill, NC and Jeonju, ROK home.

I studied sport and exercise science and psychology at Carolina. I also studied Russian for four years. My future academic goals involve sport psych, developmental pysch or psycholinguistics, or even some sort of meshing of two of them.

I think those are the basics. I imagine I'll cover a lot more over the life of the blog.

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